Core Values

At Pianogenic, we believe that the study of music is a time-honored tradition of art passed from seasoned artist to student. With us you will learn to interpret music of any period — to nurture it, refine it, give it life, and make it your own.

We are dedicated to inculcating the highest standards of excellence and nurturing individual artistic sensibility and creative growth. Understanding that music is one of the transcendent expressions of human civilization, we aspire to ensure it has a central place in contemporary society.

Studying music builds human capacity, elevates the soul, and prepares our students for lives that enhance the public good. We educate and train students of all ages from around the world, drawing on the talent and deep reservoir of experience of our distinguished faculty.

We believe that we have a responsibility to reinforce and expand the position of music in society by educating the next generation of music leaders, incubating new work, and sharing our sublime art with the widest possible audience.

Estd:2015 Estd:2018

“The minute a student enrolls with us, there’s the possibility of a blossom, the possibility of a miracle. Behind every lesson we conduct is a potential miracle. 
Here there is a deep commitment to exploring that possibility with a student, expanding musicians’ sense of themselves and the possibilities within the music.
Anyone considering PianoGenic needs to be open to that potential for growth, because you never know when that miracle is going to happen and how it’s going to strike.”

– Vidhi G Bhanushali

Co-founder and director